April 21, 2021

Ten Ideas to Create the Perfect Theatre Dressing Room

Dressing Room

Studio Three Sixty + Theatr Clwyd

Theatr Clwyd wanted to offer a welcoming yet practical space for performers to prepare, relax between scenes and shows and have all they need to hand to create the performance of their lives.  Our consultation process led us to interview dressing room users with experience of different buildings at a variety of scales to help us completely rethink the space and learn from the venues which are getting it right!

Consultation & Collaboration

We asked dressing room users for their absolute must-haves, as well as their wants and desires to create what they saw as the perfect dressing room experience. Delving into what their likes, dislikes and shared experiences enabled us to create two designs we felt sensitively incorporated all of the requirements.

What Users Wished For

The creativity of some of the responses allowed us to really explore the dressing room experience as a whole.  

  1. Shower facilities and drinking water facilities to hand.
  2. Lighting with variable intensity with a variety of mirrors unaffected by natural light and full-length mirrors, all of which can easily be accessed by people of all physical abilities.
  3. Accessible areas for wheelchair access and multi-height facilities.
  4. Adjustable seating and relaxing space for naps or resting.
  5. Space to safely place floral gifts.
  6. Multi-platform stage announcements so that hearing and sight-impaired performers can be independent.
  7. Modesty screen to protect users as performers enter or leave the area.
  8. Flooring which is sensitive for mobility, hearing and sight-impaired users.  
  9. Multi height power sockets.
  10. Separate wet clothing space.

What we delivered

From this extensive list we were able to create two designs which incorporated all of our group’s suggestions.  We are now working with Theatr Clwyd to help bring these unique, accessible and beautiful ideas to reality.