Theatr Clwyd


Plann / Theatr Clwyd


2019 -




Haworth Tompkins

Theatr Clwyd is undertaking a major capital redevelopment project. We are working closely alongside the theatre leadership team, project managers Plann and architects Haworth Tompkins to deliver a cohesive aesthetic and visual identity for the new building.

We are leading the public art commissioning process on behalf of Theatr Clwyd; working closely with local, national and international artists to create artwork across a variety of scales and in different mediums.

We also have a role leading on the design development and implementation of a range of multidisciplinary design strategies for the new building spread across interior, communication, landscape and product design, ensuring clarity and strong relationships with the many architects, artists and designers involved across the 10000sqm redevelopment.

Public Art

studio three sixty are responsible for the strategic planning, project management and delivery of the Public Art scheme for the new building.  Our mission is to create and commission public art which is inspirational and inclusive.

The public art strategy for the new building seeks to enhance Theatr Clwyd’s reputation as a beacon of artistic excellence and a home for their community.

Interior Design

Our role involves collaboration and coordination with the architect, client team and project managers to ensure the public art strategy and external design teams are working in harmony towards a shared goal, whilst also managing scope, budgets and project timelines for these interdisciplinary teams.

For this project we have brought together a hugely talented team of artists, designers and makers from a range of different backgrounds and perspectives.  Our role is to encourage and guide them towards a cohesive outcome to create an inspirational and positive place for the whole community of Theatr Clwyd.

Through these two areas of responsibility we have worked with Theatr Clwyd to identify three key themes for the building:


The redevelopment is being driven by a desire to create a building that reduces energy use and minimises the impact of the materials we use. Further consideration is also being given to wellbeing, adaptability and resilience.


At Theatr Clwyd the voice of the community is embedded in the artistic and organisational life of the building. They have learnt that to deliver meaningful work you have to build trust with a specific, local community and then grow collectively. The commissions need to build on these existing relationships and the ethos of the organisation.

Playfulness / Joy

There is an aspiration for the building to be joyful and fun to interact with for both adults and children.  Engaging with the building through play will encourage social interaction and active learning.

Above all, we are passionate advocates for the theatre and the community it serves, ensuring that the design vision exceeds their goals and expectations.

Interior design visualisations for the office space at Theatr Clwyd

"studio three sixty understand what we mean and how to give us what we need, but more importantly they also understand how to deliver the less quantifiable elements of design; the magic, sense and feel of a space"

Liam Evans-Ford, Theatr Clwyd