Swedish New Musical Theatre Symposium


Self-initiated project






This event is taking place with the support of Kulturrådet and in collaboration with Kronhuset, a cultural centre in the heart of Gothenburg, Sweden.  

There is a fantastic culture of musical theatre writing in Sweden, and a growing appetite for new musical theatre among audiences – both nationally & internationally.  However there is not currently an effective, independent network for this art form in Sweden, nor a dedicated event designed to raise the profile of new musicals in development. 

We are working with a community of practitioners to bring our industry together to discuss the challenges and opportunities we face in developing new musical theatre in Sweden. 

Our aim is to create an event that connects Swedish creatives with international industry professionals, boosting exposure, collaboration, and opportunities for growth. 

Om Symposiet

Välkomna till ett symposium om svensk musikteaters framtid.

Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar finns för att skapa nya musikaler i Sverige?

Vilka lärdomar kan vi få från internationella initiativ och trender?

Vad finns det för samarbetsmöjligheter som kan stötta utvecklingen av nya musikaler?

Med keynote-samtal från internationella gäster, panelsamtal, gruppdiskussioner och möjligheter till nätverkande och kontaktskapande hoppas vi att symposiet kommer gen en möjlighet att dela idéer, lära av varandra, främja samarbeten och skapa nya kontakter – både i Sverige och internationellt.

Programmet släpps snart! Anmäl ditt intresse för att få veta mer!



Welcome to a symposium on the future of Swedish musical theatre.

What opportunities and challenges exist for creating new musicals in Sweden?

What lessons can we learn from international initiatives and trends?

What collaboration opportunities are there to support the development of new musicals?

With keynote discussions from international guests, panel talks, group discussions, and networking opportunities, we hope the symposium will provide a chance to share ideas, learn from each other, promote collaborations, and build new connections – both in Sweden and internationally.

The program will be released soon! Register your interest to learn more!