Dan Daw Creative Projects (DDCP) in collaboration with studio three sixty
2021 -
Adjaye Associates, Association of British Theatre Technicians (ABTT)
Reimagined Futures began in June 2020 when the dancer and disabled activist Dan Daw brought together a group of designers and theatre makers and asked “Have you ever wondered what a universally accessible arts venue would look like?”
We launched Reimagined Futures at the London Festival of Architecture in 2021, and at the beginning of April 2022 South East Dance in Brighton offered us the opportunity to carry out a pilot consultation session with a group of participants from their dance community. We spent time as a group in their new building.
We are hoping to run many more consultations in the future and we’ll use these to explore, design and develop ideas with the architects Adjaye Associates. We’ll use the information we gather to create a virtual building; a “Disneyland” of accessibility, which says yes to everything our participants have asked for.
We’ll also document our findings in collaboration with the Association of Theatre Technicians (ABTT) and distil our ideas to create guidance which will extend far beyond the statutory minimums, providing a framework which all venues and organisations in the UK can use to improve their accessibility offer.
Other projects
Swedish New Musical Theatre Symposium
Sauna Sessions
Trowbridge Town Hall